Veterinary products catalog

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Commercial name Authorization number Authorization date Licence owner Authorization status
Albecorin 100 mg/ml 240011 29-01-2024 UNIVETE, S.A. Valida
Corticen 2 mg/ml 240012 29-01-2024 UNIVETE, S.A. Valida
Ketoprofen Bioveta 100 mg/ml 240013 05-02-2024 BIOVETA A.S. Valida
Oxitovet 10 UI/ml 240014 05-02-2024 SUPER'S DIANA, S.L. Valida
Amoxy Active CTD 697 mg/g 240015 09-02-2024 DOPHARMA RESEARCH B.V. Valida
Clearium 31,2 mg/ml 240016 09-02-2024 VIRBAC S.A. Valida
Dixie 67 mg 240017 09-02-2024 QUIMICA DE MUNGUIA S.A. Valida
Dixie 134 mg 240018 09-02-2024 QUIMICA DE MUNGUIA S.A. Valida
Dixie 268 mg 240019 09-02-2024 QUIMICA DE MUNGUIA S.A. Valida
Dixie 402 mg 240020 09-02-2024 QUIMICA DE MUNGUIA S.A. Valida
Ingezim BLV Compac 2.0 240022 12-02-2024 NOACK ROMANIA SRL Valida
FIXR MYC-VAC 240021 12-02-2024 KERNFARM B.V. Valida
Prevendog 1,304 g 240027 21-02-2024 VETPHARMA ANIMAL HEALTH, S.L. Valida
Prevendog 1,056 g 240026 21-02-2024 VETPHARMA ANIMAL HEALTH, S.L. Valida
Prevendog 0,636 g 240025 21-02-2024 VETPHARMA ANIMAL HEALTH, S.L. Valida
Milteforan 20 mg/ml 240024 21-02-2024 VIRBAC S.A. Valida
Tramsan 20 mg 240028 22-02-2024 ALFASAN NEDERLAND BV Valida
Tramsan 80 mg 240029 22-02-2024 ALFASAN NEDERLAND BV Valida
Tramcoat 8 mg 240030 22-02-2024 ALFASAN NEDERLAND BV Valida
Tramcoat 20 mg 240031 22-02-2024 ALFASAN NEDERLAND BV Valida