Veterinary products catalog

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Commercial name Authorization number Authorization date Licence owner Authorization status
Dorbene vet 1 mg/ml 150072 05-03-2015 LABORATORIOS SYVA S.A.U. Valida
Colidem 10% 150073 06-03-2015 DELOS IMPEX '96 SRL Valida
Coliplus 2000000 UI/ml 150077 06-03-2015 DIVASA FARMAVIC SA Valida
Bovilis IBR Marker live 150003 08-01-2015 INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV Valida
Nobilis Gumboro D78 150005 08-01-2015 INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV Valida
Nobilis REO 2177 150054 20-02-2015 INTERVET ROMANIA SRL Valida
Cestal cat flavour 150068 04-03-2015 CEVA SANTE ANIMALE ROMANIA Retrasa
Cestal plus 150069 04-03-2015 CEVA SANTE ANIMALE ROMANIA Valida
Vetramox 80% 150066 04-03-2015 LAVET PHARMACEUTICALS Ltd. Retrasa
Multibio D 150063 27-02-2015 VIRBAC S.A. Valida
Amoxy Active, 131 mg/g 150100 25-03-2015 DOPHARMA B.V. Valida
Enroxil 10%, soluție orală 150111 30-03-2015 KRKA d.d. Valida
Floron 2 g/100 g 150108 27-03-2015 KRKA d.d. Valida
Floron 100 mg/ml 150109 27-03-2015 KRKA d.d. Valida
Floron 300 mg/ml 150110 27-03-2015 KRKA d.d. Valida
Tiamulin FP 10% 150107 27-03-2015 PASTEUR - FILIALA FILIPEŞTI Valida
Tiamulin FP 80% 150106 27-03-2015 PASTEUR - FILIALA FILIPEŞTI Valida
Sodium salicyl 800 mg/g 150098 23-03-2015 DOPHARMA RESEARCH B.V. Valida
Colisid 120 mg/ml 150091 17-03-2015 CHEMIFARMA S.p.A. Valida
Malaseb 150101 25-03-2015 DECHRA VETERINARY PRODUCTS A/S Valida