Veterinary products catalog

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Commercial name Authorization number Authorization date Licence owner Authorization status
Eres injectable 150095 18-03-2015 LABORATORIOS CALIER S.A. Valida
Oxy L.A. inj. 150094 18-03-2015 DOPHARMA B.V. Valida
Tempestop 300 mg/ml 150089 12-03-2015 VETPHARMA ANIMAL HEALTH, S.L. Retrasa
Taktic 12,5% 150097 23-03-2015 INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV Retrasa
Disentin 125 mg/ml 150093 18-03-2015 VETPHARMA ANIMAL HEALTH, S.L. Valida
Rompil 1% 150099 24-03-2015 ROMVAC COMPANY S.A. Valida
Doxyrom 10% 150113 02-04-2015 ROMVAC COMPANY S.A. Valida
Nuflor Minidose 450 mg/ml 150118 14-04-2015 INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV Valida
Tylosin 20H 150114 02-04-2015 BELA-PHARM GmbH &Co. KG Valida
Karidox 100 mg/ml 150119 16-04-2015 LABORATORIOS KARIZOO S.A. Retrasa
Nobilis CAV P4 150123 23-04-2015 INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV Valida
Nobilis RT inac 150122 22-04-2015 INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV Valida
Ampifarma 150144 07-05-2015 CHEMIFARMA S.p.A. Valida
Sergon PG 400+200 UI 150156 08-05-2015 BIOVETA A.S. Valida
Cloteid 4 150138 05-05-2015 BIOVETA A.S. Valida
Fenbadem 10% 150148 07-05-2015 DELOS IMPEX '96 SRL Valida
Tilodem 10% 150150 08-05-2015 DELOS IMPEX '96 SRL Valida
Otostatic 150151 08-05-2015 PASTEUR - FILIALA FILIPEŞTI Valida
Enzaprost T 150154 08-05-2015 CEVA SANTE ANIMALE Valida
Colivet solution 150153 08-05-2015 CEVA SANTE ANIMALE ROMANIA Valida